Even though they were very tired, they followed us around as we saw the sights and sounds of the capital city of Croatia - Zagreb. Sister Miller from the mission office was so kind to give us the educated tour of a few of the special attractions.
Dinner, and a walk through the rain brought us back to the car and we began the 1.5 hour car trip to Maribor, Slovenia.
Next day we began the castle tour ...starting with our favorite Trakoscan, then Varazdin Castle, with a quick stop for pizza, Boel Castle and finished off the day with the Ptuj Castle.

Ptuj Castle

The next day we spent at Postonja Cave and Predjama Castle, finishing out the day with a long drive to Zadar, Croatia.
Zadar is a beautiful Croatian coastal city, one Chris & I had not been to before. We found our apartment had a huge balcony overlooking the bay, lined with boats of every size, and style. Crossing the bridge, we took in the old city at night. It was magical.
Next day, included breakfast, and another visit to the old city with its famous sea organ, polished cobble streets and ancient Roman ruins.

Sadly, we had to leave there and take our visitors to Split, for the next part of their tour. After a quick lunch, we left them at their next apartment, where they would eventually catch a ferry for Dubrovnik .
Chris and I had to head towards Slovenia for a 10 am Zone Conference the next morning.

We drove for about 3 hours and stayed the night at a quaint seaside town of Senj. We visited with the landlord who spoke mostly Croatian and were surprised to hear some of our Croatian words were still tucked away in our head. We had a wonderful visit, laughing about the language and asking questions about their family. They knew about Mormon missionaries so that was a treat as well.

We really wanted to stay longer but darkness came and the next morning included an early wake up call, with a long drive to Ljubljana for conference.
What a special treat to have Sue and Karen spend some time with us. We enjoyed each day and sharing the sights and sounds of our mission area with them. Thank you for stopping by!!!