This "P-day", still exhausted from the weekend's activities, we took a short drive through the farm fields around Varazdin. They were planting grain and potatoes. We had found on the internet a reference to the "Biggest Castle in Croatia".

We thought we should check it out. It was only a 30 minute drive to the Klenovnik Castle. Dating back to the 13th century, it has been sold several times and now owned by the City of Zagreb.
It has now become a hospital for patients with tuberculosis. Before its renovation in 1925, Klenovnik supposedly had 90 rooms and over 365 windows.

Walking around the castle, we discovered some old and crumbling walls, with ancient looking steps.
The castle has a beautiful park with lots of huge trees surrounding it so it was difficult to get a clear photo of the whole castle.
Looks more industrial than castle like.