Our plans for today changed with a phone call last night requesting our company with the Elders in our area, on a roadtrip to Rijeka, 2 1/2 hours away.
One of the new elders in our area was transferred from there and had to return today for processing of his visa. This is the first time we've seen the Adriatic Ocean!
Rijeka is a principal seaport and the third largest city in Croatia, built on the ocean side of a steep mountain. Streets are crowded and busy, ocean liners, and cruise ships as well as freight hauling ships dock at her port.

I am loving all the beautiful unique buildings though, and especially the flowerpots hanging over the edges of their balconies; true European flavor!
Our LDS Church is just off the main center of town, down a narrow street and like nearly every street there, it's uphill!
Today must have been the hottest day of the year so far. We found ourselves dragging along the hot pavement, climbing the hills, while trying to see everything there is to see in one afternoon.
On a site which was used in Roman days for being an easy place to control access to the sea along the Rječina River, sits the Castle Tsart.

We took care of business at the local MUP, visited with the other Elders in Rijeka, toured the city, had pizza under a shady roof next to the ocean and enjoyed the cheerful company and cool ocean breezes!
Another memorable day in the Adriatic North Mission.
BTW...we are in great need of more senior missionaries in the ANM!!!! Any takers??? PLEASE!
We served in Rejeka 2008-2009. We loved the members tremendously. Please send us a private email. We would love to catch up on some members and nonmembers. Thomas and Darnel Brown tomdarnel@gmail.com