Thursday, November 2, 2017

Halloween Croatia Style - All Saints Day /All Soul's Day & Day of the Dead

 So there are fascinating tradition here!  Not too many people celebrate Halloween American style here.  We did see one family on the street with trick or treat bags and costumes, but most of the housing is behind locked gates or apartment buildings with keyed entry, so it's not very inviting for a lot of trick or treaters.

The one tradition they do celebrate here big time is All Saints' Day, which is November 1 and All Soul's Day/Day of the Dead on November 2nd.

On All Saints Day, the faithful attend church to remember the saints and their dearly departed. 

People travel long distances to place flowers on the graves of loved ones and burn specially decorated candles to help the departed souls find their way to ever lasting light.

Years ago, it was traditional for the family to have a sumptuous feast at the gravesite and leave food and drink for the departed.

I know it sounds strange but it truly is a beautiful sight to visit the local large cemetery at night, along with large crowds, to view the beauty of the candles and the magnificents of the flowers.  I have never seen such large mums!!

Driving home from Zagreb last night in the dark, you could see several cemeteries in the distance, which were glowing with red candle lights.

As soon as we were back in Varazdin, we took the Elders and Zoran and visited our own cemetery. 

So many people, that the police were directing traffic and parking was a chore.  At one little stand outside the cemetery, you could buy a bag of popcorn to enjoy your walk through the cemetery.

The candles continue to burn for at least two days, through All Souls' Day or Day of the Dead, but often they glow into the next week as well.


  1. That is so beautiful!! Though I love Halloween and the fun here, that seems so much more meaningful! Gorgeous lights and flowers!!

  2. It's better than the Philippines to where they get super drunk and dangerous on those days instead of it being respectful and beautiful haha that's pretty cool

  3. It is always interesting to see what other cultures celebrate and how.
