Monday morning, December 11th, we did our final run to the MUP (police department) to "unregister" and returned to our packed car, where we said goodbye one last time to the Elders and headed north to the Slovenia border.
We began to get excited about our next chapter in this mission assignment. As we drove across the bridge into Maribor, we could see our cute new home on the other side. Our apartment is straight ahead, in the middle of these buildings.

It is truly in a historic building and although it has been remodeled, it has all the design and flare of a real European home, with a little Italian flair. The ceilings are 10 feet tall, and lots of ceramic and white washed walls. We fell in love with it immediately.

The Church building is about two Salt Lake City blocks away and that is where we have to park the car. I quickly purchased a new thicker scarf, hat and better legg'ns. It's a cold walk along the river at 8 pm at night.
We are excited to explore this part of the mission more indepth but already love the city and the people we have met at the branch. They have a local member as branch president. President & Sister Filder, with their two boys, David & Tim, (ages 2 & 4). We will see what the Lord has in store for us here.
It looks like a very interesting place and an opportunity to see new things and meet new people. Our Grandson Sam gave his farewell talk in Church on Sunday. He goes into the MTC Wednesday and then on to the Omaha Nebraska mission. I will miss him a lot because he has been with me at every train show for a number of years. His support and help will be missed, but I'm sure he has other things in store for him that the Lord wants him to do.