Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Auditing Assignment Again

This was our last auditing assignment for the mission.  We had 12 meetings and audits to conduct from Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia & Serbia and only 4 weeks to accomplish it plus our Maribor responsibilities.

First Stop:  Ljubliana, Slovenia
Kranj, Slovenia
Banja Luka, Bosnia
Osjek, Croatia
Novi Sad, Serbia
Begrad, Serbia
Sarajevo, Bosnia
Zadar, Croatia
Celja, Slovenia
Slovenia District (being audited as Chris is District Clerk)
Maribor, Slovenia (being audited as Chris is Branch Clerk)
Varazdin, Croatia

Just finished with three weeks of travel...and 4,000 miles of driving, we have accomplished our assignment.  Glad to report that all Church related funds are being well looked after in the ANM!

Although it was terribly hot, and long wait times at border crossings, we enjoyed visiting with our branch presidents, wives, missionaries, and members in each of the branches along the way.  What dedicated devoted people!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have been busy. That is a lot of miles no matter where you are traveling. Hope to see you soon. We will be holding the annual Club BBQ on the 15th at the same place as usual at 4:30PM. Hope to see you there.
